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Google Ads - Here, There & Everywhere!

by • June 06, 2014

My last post highlighted that Google is now the World's most valuable brand. This post takes a quick look at why they are in the top spot.

Google, which really hasn't been around all that long as a company (founded in 1998), has gone from a search engine to a company that supplies advertising in a whole host of interesting places. Most of us are familiar with ads on the Internet, many with the ads within Gmail, but they are really working hard to put those ads everywhere. How about your eyeglasses? (Google Glass) Your refrigerator? Your car? (in car navigation and they will surely be integrated into their self driving car platform). And at some point maybe even your thermostat (Google acquired Nest, the smart thermostat company). They are seemingly doing everything they can think of to make "Google Advertising" the dominant player in the market. So what happens when you run out of places to put ads in front of all the current eyeballs? Time to find some more eyeballs.

In news June 1st, the Wall Street Journal published that Google plans to invest over a Billion dollars to launch a fleet of low orbiting satellites to bring Internet access to unwired portions of the globe. Full story here... Google Invests in Satellites to Spread Internet Access.

Interestingly Facebook has a similar mindset. They along with other technology companies like Samsung and Nokia and some not for profits, are supporting the Internet.org project which has a similiar goal of bringing the Internet to the 2/3 of the worlds population who still doesn't have it.

Is Google being philanthropic, providing Internet access to those who don't have it? Maybe. Or perhaps they are simply trying to increase their reach. The more people using the Internet, the more people will see Google ads, the more money they make. Whether you love or hate Google, they are making money and isn't that the end goal of most businesses?

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