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It's Hard To Teach An Old (Web Site) Dog New Tricks

by • May 27, 2014

This Old Web site guy had a birthday yesterday. I'm now officially on the wrong side of the hill. As an old guy we tend to get set in our ways... for instance. For the last Three years I've been typing/spelling Web site wrong. Turns out in April of 2010 the AP Style Guide says it should be website (lowercase, no space). Frankly that just stinks because it even makes our company name wrong... BANG! Web Site Design. Hmmmm, wonder if the IRS cares? So as of today (this old dog CAN be taught new tricks) I'll be using website instead... except for our company name.

This change brings up a good point though. The keyword research we did before we built your site may be out of date. As I just shared, even language changes. From time to time (not longer than 2 years though) we should be spending some time analyzing your website. Looking at the keyword phrases we targeted, the products and services listed on the site, staff that's listed, etc. Things change and your website needs to change with it (and in full disclosure the last two times I started to type website I hit the shift key to make that w uppercase!).

Change is hard! It's also hard to get results on your site if you don't change things from time to time. Google looks for regularly updated and new content. It uses these changes as clues to whether or not you've abandoned your site. If they  should still be sending traffic to you (by listing you highly in the search results). So, what message are you sending them? That you are changing with the times? Or that you are an old dog stuck in their ways and they should just ignore you from this point?

Moral of the story... Don't be an old dog!

P.S. Thankfully most of the staff is a whole lot younger than me! :-)

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