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Your password is the key to your house

by sa • December 02, 2011

Choosing a unique password is as important as keeping tabs on the keys to your house for pretty much the same reason – we don’t want any uninvited guests to enter and take our belongings.

Unfortunately I think user’s often times take creating a password to lightly and are setting themselves up for a hacker to break into their account and perhaps steel confidential information such as credit card information. To make a case in point do you know what the number one stolen password is? Why it’s “password” followed up by “123456.”

The two cases above would be the equivalent of just using a blank key to get into your house. Absolutely anyone could go to the hardware store, purchase a blank and then pop into your house and browse through your purse or wallet for your credit card.

Would you like to know more about choosing a smart password, if so Google has a good article on Choosing a smart password and if you want to view the top 25 worst passwords visit Mashable’s 25 worst passwords of 2011 (study). I sure hope your password didn’t make the list.